Thursday, June 19, 2008

New Report on Mark

Mark continues to fight cancer and a fight its turning out to be. He is healing from his second abdominal surgery to remove devitalized tissue and cysts from his pancreatitis, which we hope has settled down for good, and we also hope his bowel function will return. But as of yet, he has a secretory diarrhea and gastroparesis (dysfunction of the motility of his gut) which is holding him back in healing, nutrition and progress toward a Bone Marrow Transplant.

The lead doctor Julie Asch, MD, has contacted a super-specialist in gut motility syndromes in Kansas, and has received advice and recommendations which the doctor team is discussing right now and trying to implement in the best way. He has a variety of complex problems which are intertwined and difficult to manage since some seem to exacerbate the other and visa versa. Success, the past two days, applying the recommendations of the specialist in Kansas seem to be having positive effects in reversing Mark’s g.i. problems. We and the doctors are hopeful that that progress will continue.

We all are continuing to support Mark through fasting and prayer while the professionals continue searching for the best possible solutions to his problems. His doctors are optimistic on the protocols that they are now following. We are still hopeful that we can get around these roadblocks and somehow get him to a healthy enough point to receive BM transplant.